Saturday, January 01, 2011

Resolved for 2011

Happy 2011.

Resolutions are things we tend to make on the first day of the year even though we know that most of us won't manage to be abide by them for a day, let alone a lifetime. I reread Edwards resolutions today and it seems from them that his overarching desire is that his life might be lived to the glory of God. Some time spent mulling on any that strike you might be time well spent.

At this time of year I like to read a self-helpy, things can be different, 'glass half-full' book and so this year I chose 'Mastering the seven decisions'. It's a pseudo Christian + 'people who help themselves' book but there is a nugget or two in it that has helped me and made me ponder/plan for the year ahead. Andrews studied the lives of hundreds of significant people and tried to work out what they had done and how they had lived in order to bring about 'personal success'. He has worked these into seven principles.

Here are some of things I wrote in my journal having read it:

1. Get up earlier

2. Smile

3. Read more

4. Make and hang out with wise friends

5. Forgive

6. 'Be willing to make decisions. That's the most important quality in a good leader' General S Paton

7. "What one thing should I eliminate from my life because it holds me back from reaching my full potential"

8. "Leadership essentially boils down to two things: your perspective or belief about yourself and a quality called 'likeability' "

9. The author read this over 400 times.

Taking some time in the next few days to pray, jot down some intentions for the year in a journal, choose some books you might like to read, assess relationships and friendships, choose something to eliminate and evaluate your habits (good and bad). This post on preparing for the year ahead I found helpful.

There is the blessing of a little sabbath lull before the gun goes for 2011 so why not use it.


Clout said...

As a number 4 (ha ha!) I would suggest that numbers 1 and 2 do not sit very comfortably together!!

David Cooke said...

Thank you number 4. Induced number 2!

Saturday blog-sweep

 Some interesting books for pastors The State we're in Attack at dawn Joseph Scriven Joy comes with the morning When small is beautiful