2. Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering by Tim Keller: Everyone, be they Christian or not, eventually faces suffering and trouble. It's not a case of 'if' but 'when'. Who doesn't ask why their friend is facing cancer (as mine is) and why another's child was born with Downs and another's parents were both run over by a car and died. This book is a very thorough examination of the issue of suffering and pain. It is one to read to prepare yourself for when you walk through it yourself or, if you are in the midst of trouble and pain, this book should definitely be your companion. As with all Keller's books it places Jesus at the heart of things, whilst also reasoning gracefully with all the other perspectives- be they secular or religious. As an evangelist, the question I face more than any other is the one surrounding suffering and the issues that engulf it. Keller combines rational argument and dialogue with thinkers from the past and present, and combines this with real life stories that end each chapter. This is one to read slowly, prayerfully, to tell others about and to give away.
3. The Circle Maker and All In by Mark Batterson: I am not sure why I like Mark Batterson's writing so much. I love that he tells stories and points me to bits of Scripture that quite often have passed me by. I love his passion for Jesus and his seemingly limitless sense of possibility as he comprehends the Kingdom of God. I like that he is a Type A (and I am not) and that something of his goal-oriented can-do faith-filled attitude rubs off on me as I read his books. Reading the Circle Maker leaves you wanting to pray more, risk more, lead better, and, see and believe for what has not yet come to be. Batterson, the dear man, has 113 'Life Goals' and just thinking up that many goals would exhaust me- let alone seeing even a tenth of them come to be in my own life. I am at least thinking of drawing up a few having read 'Ten steps to setting life goals' and it's the sort of thing one ought to read as a new year beckons. The Circle Maker and All In are to be read in tandem and indeed I read them back to back. There is one story about a missionary in 'All In' that I came across on the morning of our Alpha course. It so impacted me that I recounted it to a few folk the same evening- it blew them away, just as it had me (p. 123-125). These books won't be everyone's cup of tea but they are certainly worth checking out while your January sense of a new dawn rides high and hopeful.
4. What did you expect? by Paul Tripp: As readers may know, 2013 was the year I got married. We are currently four months in to this adventure making us the font of virtually no wisdom at all on the subject of marriage! With that in mind, Mrs C and I are reading Paul Tripp's book which was recommended to us by more than just one person. We are finding it incredibly helpful. We read a chapter out loud, underline bits that strike us, write some summary scribbles at the end of every chapter and then chat and pray. If Keller's book on suffering is one that warns that challenges are coming so prepare for them- Tripp does the same for marriage. This is an easy yet deep read, is rooted in Scripture and offers lots of pastoral case study material from Tripp's years of counselling couples. Even if you don't choose this as your book, I do commend the exercise of a husband and wife reading out loud to each other and perhaps having a 'worthy' book on the go. You might choose one about marriage but if not, do choose another subject to read through together. What about reading the Chronicles of Narnia or C S Lewis's 'Mere Christianity' to each other? See how you go- it's fun.
5. Churchill by Paul Johnson: I read this on a Swiss skiing holiday whilst courting my wife in England through both text messaging and email, so my memory of its contents are rather entwined in all that! I was in a small chalet with dear friends for a week full of skiing, new love and oddly also Winston Churchill. Books on the great man tend to be very thick and I confess the Roy Jenkins tome is still on my shelf 2/3's unread. This is much more manageable and if you are involved in leading anything at all, then doffing your hat to Churchill at some point is a wise thing to do. In these days filled with books about leadership techniques, this one tells the story of arguably the greatest leader my nation has ever known. He was a man of great courage (he took himself to the front line in the Boar War) and of voracious wit. He seems to have drunk too much, been able to survive on little sleep (though enjoyed a cat-nap) and was also rather rude (probably the drink!), but when we needed it most, he stood up to evil without compromise and we are now all living out the benefits. Well worth putting on your 2014 reading list.

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