I listened to an excellent Driscoll sermon called Trials and Scripture which gave the best overview of the prophesies relating to Jesus I have ever heard. As I follow up, I read the chapter he recommended in his excellent book Vintage Jesus which you should get hold of. I ended up reading the whole thing. I am always looking for good books to give to new Christians or those with questions. This is as good as any I have read and is both theologically rigorous and accessible.
One of Driscoll's key thoughts is that the role of the preacher is to destroy idols. Identify them, say why they are bad and make Jesus known as the solution.
This list of ways in which we find functional saviours challenged me (Page 192) and it may challenge you too:
1. What am I most afraid of?
2. What do I long for most passionately?
3. Where do I run for comfort?
4. What do I complain about most
5. What angers me most?
6. What makes me happiest?
7. How do I explain myself to other people?
8. What has caused me to be angry with God?
9. What do I brag about?
10. What do I want to have more than anythings else?
11. What do I sacrifice the most for in my life?
12. If I could change one thing in my life what would that be?
13. Whose approval am I seeking?
14. What do I want to control/ master?
15. What comfort do I treasure the most?
If you haven't read any Mark Driscoll here are all his books and I especially commend the Reformissionary Man and Death by Love. Next on my list is Vintage Church.
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