Monday, July 22, 2013

Ten things for a Monday

The Art of Spiritual Conversation (love this and it might be a good for a small group series?)

Tom Wright on contextualisation.

Google view on seven Biblical sites

Ten things to do to boost your brain performance

Seven ways to pray for your heart

It's possible to be hip and run a Vicar factory (American style)

21 things that don't define you

The Spiritual disciplines of Jonathan Edwards

Bishop James Jones in favour of blessing gay relationships and his retiring interview on the R4's Sunday. This is an interesting quote amidst all our debates and revisionism, so is this called 'A different kind of coming out' with my Vicar Factory pal Sean.

Taken to task by an atheist for our lack of evangelism

1 comment:

Norman Ramsden said...

Unfortunately, I do not share the same faith and the same Gospel as Bishop James Jones. If he cannot uphold God's word he should resign.

Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...