Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Telling stories

1. Going to listen to Philip Yancey Facing the Canon this evening. Reading his Soul Survivor introduced me to so many good books and people. I read it in Barcelona as I remember.

2. It's so encouraging when one of our young people who is doing an internship in Chorleywood is able to speak so well. My first talk was rubbish and I have no idea what I was up to at 19- certainly not doing this.

3. I'm baptising someone who is sharing her New Birth story on Sunday. She's going to get wet! You should work your way through some of these New birth portraits if you wonder what on earth being 'born-again' means.

4. A friend at church has been waxing lyrical about the last chapter of 'The Pleasures of God' and has told me 'It's a must read'

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...