Monday, July 12, 2010

One book for a pastor

A sad weekend saying farewell to Adam and Gen who have been leading our youth work here for over five years. I will truly miss them. They are off to theological cemetery and then Vicardom in the good old C of E. As a gift I collected together a pile of books to send them on their way-Peterson, MacDonald, The letters of Catherine Booth and John Newton and various others essentials.

John Wesley said he was a man of one book but what if you were allowed just one other. Here is my question for you:

"If a pastor was to read only one book in their time at college to prepare them for ministry what should it be?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Henri Nouwen: Wounded Healer


Tim Hansen: The Art of Pastoring

Saturday blog-sweep

 Some interesting books for pastors The State we're in Attack at dawn Joseph Scriven Joy comes with the morning When small is beautiful