Wednesday, August 06, 2014

The gap

'You say yes to far too many tasks, scrambling after the slightest hints of praise in the faces around you. When you fall short of others' expectations, you replay your failures again and again. On your better days, your successes almost seem to balance your screw-ups. On your darker days, you suspect that your shortcomings have forever skewed everyone's opinion of you- even God's- and you wonder what it will take to regain God's good favour. In the end, you're left with a calendar that's full but a soul that still feels empty, one more captive of the deadly delusion that your deeds determine your identity. The futility you feel is real, and it's far larger than you. The whole world groans beneath the weight of this vast gap between the way things are and the way we long for them to be (Romans 8:20-25)'

Proof, Page 16

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