Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rainy days

Apparently it was the coldest bank holiday on record. We thought about lighting a fire and then didn't allow ourselves because it was August.

The picture of a hand in 'The Walk' (p.64) and its explanation of how it helps you pray the Lords prayer has stuck with me.

Matt Damon's Ice Bucket challenge with toilet water.

My Mum gave me Cook Simple  for my birthday. I cooked a spicy sausage recipe and nearly blew Mrs C's head off (a tip -use half a tea spoon of chilli flakes not 2). Yesterday, I cooked 'Penne with walnuts and gorgonzola'. Stupendous. Today, I may do something clever with a leg of lamb.

We watched Sunshine on Leith and absolutely loved it. A scene near the end made me cry and seemed to me to be a gospel moment.

I been thinking a lot of Scotland recently and the referendum, together with sandwich spread, has had me thinking about my childhood. I lived and went to school in Scotland as a laddie and one of the many helpful skills I acquired was an ability to do the highland fling.

I enjoyed this interview with Daniel Montgomery about Proof and like the thought the the best way to be a Calvinist is not to tell anyone that you are one.

Holiday beckons and so too the dilemma of what to read. I've lost my Kindle having lent it to someone at church and have since forgotten who it was. If it's you can I have it back please! This book is on my pile and may come away with me.

Faith and Fate (and the link it contains to a post called 'Will God protect my children?') has got me thinking today.

Last night Mrs C and I got a 'Text alert' to pray for Iraqi Christians from Open Doors. This morning I had a little look on their website and I learnt it was a hoax. Too late- we've already prayed which is one to mull on.

Tim Keller describes The Umbrella which disappeared long ago in the UK.

I have many thoughts having watched the Driscoll statement and was reminded of this quote which someone once left as as comment here after I had posted something about him. We are all such deeply flawed folk as pastors- as is this very 'Saulesque' man. I'm praying for him and his walk of repentance, for his church and for those he has seemingly so alienated and hurt while inspiring them to plant churches.

 “Let my name be forgotten, let me be trodden under the feet of all men, if Jesus may thereby be glorified…let us look above names and parties; let Jesus be our all in all…I care not who is uppermost. I know my place…even to be the servant of all.” George Whitfield

I have also been reflecting on On Platforms, On Self Promotion and Pleasure Complete  

One of the tasks of the week is to buy a suitcase. I have an expression I quote often 'Buy cheap buy twice'. Should this apply to luggage I wonder and should I go Samsonite or will Antler or Delsey pass muster? These are the big questions.

All suggestions and guidance welcome :)

1 comment:

Clout said...

Definitely SAMSONITE!

Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...