Monday, August 04, 2014

Monday musing

I last spent week camping at Focus. For me the pick of all the talks were Archie Coates on 'Weakness' and the three talk series R T Kendall did on assurance which was the highlight for our folk (even though I have to confess I slept intermittently through one of the talks and sadly had to miss another).

For those off on holiday this month this might be helpful for some on how to unplug

This quote reminded me anew of needing to reflect on my own weakness and also to keep going.

I have been dipping into this by Andrew Walls as I think about what it means to be a church that 'does' mission.

Now the dust has settled on women bishops in the C of E I think 'The Black Swan Effect' might be an interesting and timely read.

One of my secrets for anyone contemplating a church plant is this. Have a BBQ. I know- it's very profound stuff you get here.

I have been thinking about dating and singleness and its consequences and read most of this on Saturday morning. It contains lots of common sense for both Christians and those who are not.

Camping is made much better when you invest in the right kit. The Therma-rest neo dream air is the cats-pyjamas of a mattress. Also, doesn't the reviewer have a cracking beard! It's pricey but well worth saving up for.

I love books on grace and 'Proof' is going on my bedside table.

We had baptisms and a visit from our Bishop yesterday. Great occasion. I have since been mulling on a couple of Calvin quotes I came across and especially the phrase underlined below:

“It is not necessary that faith and repentance should always precede baptism. They are only required from those whose age makes them capable of both. It will be sufficient, then, if, after infants have grown up, they exhibit the power of their baptism." - John Calvin” 

“How do you know yourself to be a son of God in fact as well as in name?”

Answer: “Because I am baptized in the name of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” - John Calvin (from his catechism)” 

If you never get to visit Australia than this is a way to do so through a few amazing photos.

Mrs C has gone wake-skating.

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...