Sunday, August 17, 2014

For the pod: Conquering insecurity

'He who marries the spirit of the age, widows himself in the age to come'

Pete Greig

I keep this blog as a resource for myself and for anyone else who may be interested. It's my public filing cabinet. I couldn't care less how many readers I have but I do care about my readers and often take much encouragement from them. It is especially encouraging to me when someone writes or tells me that something they found here or that I have recommended to them has blessed them. 
  • I posted a talk by James MacDonald and a pal and his wife listened to it and have since been listening to all sorts of teachings from Walk in the Word. Mrs C does find JM 'a bit shouty' as may you, he is at times, but he is someone who preaches the Bible with great power and very often with helpful application. My friends recommendation to me were two talks called 'Conquering Insecurity'.
  • I gave 'A long obedience in the same direction' to someone in our church and they told me they found it a real blessing. This may be one to read as part of your 'secret place' time or to take on hols.
  • Someone told me this morning they listened to R T Kendall's three talks on Romans three times this week. The fact that over 200 stood in response to his altar call shows this teaching demands a wider audience- especially for those yet to comprehend the message of God's grace. 
  • A friend saw the quotes from 'Proof' I posted and as a result bought the book. They texted me this:   '....haven't got to page 81 yet and already in tears'
  • A Vicar pal in NZ listened to Archie Coates and took great encouragement from it. 
  • Giving counsel to a man I prayed for this morning- I recommended he listen to 'Running with the witnesses', by John Piper. In fact, as I reread 'A long obedience' I see I need to listen to this sermon again and think it's one we will listen to on holiday. 'The letter to the Hebrews defines our program: 'Do you see what this means-all the pioneers who blazed they way, all the veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running- and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no  parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished the race we're in' (Heb 12:1-2), A long obedience in the same direction, p 18. 
So thank you for reading and for being a me I will keep posting the bits and bobs I find, books I read and recommendations that I receive. Click about and see if you find something you like and I always appreciate your prayers. 

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Something really wild to redeem

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