Saturday, August 16, 2014

Saturday blog sweep

All weeks are full of good and bad news but recently the bad from the Middle East seems to be so very dominant.

Like you, I googled the Yazidis to find out more and the BBC was helpful.

5 Things you can do for the Christians in Iraq

A number of people have asked me about Cliff Richard and like you my hope and prayer is that it is not true. The Independent in this article is very critical of both the police and the BBC.

Worship leader and church media pundit Viccy Beeching shared her sexuality struggles this week and here interviewed on C4 News.

Former Boxing promotor Frank Maloney revealed his changed gender.

Robin Williams died.

Of all the posts I have read Russell Brand's was moving and ends with this:

'What I might do is watch Mrs Doubtfire. Or Dead Poets Society or Good Will Hunting and I might be nice to people, mindful today how fragile we all are, how delicate we are, even when fizzing with divine madness that seems like it will never expire.'

This one entitled 'Robin Williams Jonathan Edwards and Heaven on Earth' also lingered with me.

To mourn or not to mourn will provide some food for thought.

This post caught my eye and questioned the priorities of white American evangelicals in light of Ferguson.

Rachel Held Evans wrote on racism.

Thomas Creedy reviews R T Kendall's 'Holy Fire'

As many holiday a post on 'How to escape being too busy to get anything done'

The latest HTB plant in Spitalfields gets some noise in the Standard. There are many things I have been called in my time but hipster is not one of them! Great team so do pray for them as they launch and perhaps a touch of hipster in the C of E makes for some interesting times ahead. Its both interesting and challenging the way the journalist reads hipster Christianity and being liberal on human sexuality as one and the same thing.

I read this post by Matt Walsh, a Christian conservative blogger, on Robin Williams and depression which has caused a mighty stir across the pond and will prompt you too to react in one way or other. For what it's worth, it seems to me to lack compassion and also to be ill-timed.

I have been pondering this review of Myron Penner's 'The end of apologetics' and the idea that what is needed in apologetics is not the genius but the apostle. For listeners - he is interviewed here.

We watched the film One chance (the story of Paul Potts) and it made me cry.

We have taken delivery of the film Calvary.

 We enjoyed All the little lights.

A reflection on Ebola and Christian Missionaries

A new version of Left Behind will have us all revisiting our thoughts on the rapture.

The bizarre- and costly- cult of Dawkins.

My sister was gripped by reading this on holiday.

'Ask John Piper' marked its 400th episode with this one.

I've been thinking and chatting about 'The price of fame' since I watched it with Mrs C.

I dabble from time to time in books on leadership and this one caught my eye.

Soon we won't need mobile phone chargers because Bat tat's will do it for us.

I love these photos which are interestingly called Earth porn

Finally, Mrs C and I will be doing this in the autumn.

At the end of a long week, I remember who is ultimately in charge and breath a grateful sigh of relief it is not me and just let this song wash over me. You can do that too.

h/t Ann Voskamp

1 comment:

David Cooke said...

Thanks so much Rodney. I will check it out.

Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...