Now I have returned to the city and am offering my trout to friends. My favourite people are those who are happy to take a trout from me un-gutted and do that themselves. They are few and far between I am finding. I don't mind girls blubbing a bit at the thought of gutting a fish but it's the sort of thing a grown man really should know how to do. Food didn't always come covered in clingfilm with the word Tescos on it.
So, do you know how to gut a fish?
It is surely one of the marks of a real man.
No it isn't! By your own standards show it to me from the Bible?! I'm glad you had a nice time but there's no need to go all "John Eldridge" on us.
I was given 10 woodpigeons by a parishoner. Ther were shot but otherwise complete with guts heads and feathers. After watching this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6XsH1fHkMU& I was quite proud of myself for doing it!
Well done Andrew and Pete stop being such a bible no all- just cos you've got a leather ESV! There's nothing wrong with a bit of Eldridge ever now and again:)
That anoymous isnt me! Im in Hungary so there.
Here you have to gut your meat when it arrives cooked on the table. . .
Rubbish says Karin. We ate in McDonalds one night.
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