We have just finished our Alpha Course which has been great. Here are some resources I recommend as good follow up.
30 Days by Nicky Gumbel- This is a set of bible readings with an introductory comment on each one. A really good way to get in the swing of how to do it.
A purpose driven life by Rick Warren- I went through this a few years ago and found it wonderfully helpful. Perhaps one to put on your Christmas list and start the 40 day journey in the New Year?
For the love of God by Don Carson- This is the method of reading the bible I have used for the last few years.
One man's way of reading the bible- This is an interesting article on how one seasoned Christian has decided to read the bible and a reflection on the things he's learnt.
The Prodigal God by Tim Keller- A fantastic book and perfect reading for those braving a first season of immersion in 'Church'
What's so amazing about grace? by Philip Yancey- Grace (as one of our number commented last night) is a word I use an awful lot. Here is a great book on what it means.
Chasing the Dragon by Jackie Pullinger: This is the book I remember reading straight after Alpha and it still impacts me to this day.
Anyway-hope some of this stuff might be useful and there are plenty more recommendations all over this blog!!
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