Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Having my day off on a Tuesday this week because I am off to listen to Jackie Pullinger on Friday. Tuesday is a rubbish day for a day off particularly due to my lack of planning and because normal people are at work- but such is my lot this week. Think I might see a film that has been highly recommended called We are Together and pop to a gallery.

Recently, I read a book by Andy Stanley which a couple of friends had been bigging up called Communicating for a Change about sermons and given that he felt confident enough to tell others about how to do it I thought I would watch (not listen, this is mega-church!) one of his talks to North Point Church. I have to admit he is a gifted chap but all seemed far to professional for my liking. Real community is surely better smaller, more messy, and allows you to know by people by name rather than pick them out by shirt colour from an auditorium I listened to 'How to get Great-Part 2 of which the take out from the Good Samaritan was 'How can I help?'. It blessed my though but you be the judge.

Found a Keller talk worth listening to from his book tour and also a good documentary on The Four Seasons on Radio 2. Also, watched an amusing documentary on BBC iplayer called Dawn gets her Man on one women's search for perfection. Doesn't exist apparently which is something of a relief.

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...