Sunday, December 30, 2007

Patient cultivation

I remember my old Vicar always used to say when speaking about vision that we can achieve far less in one year than we ever imagine and far more in ten. Most of us are always making resolutions for the one and not the ten. We all search for the quick-fix and want a new job, a new relationship, a better marriage and hope upon hope that we can achieve all this by mid-February. Cultivation is a much slower process and reaps much greater rewards but only for those who are prepared to wait.

So what's the secret. Well to call it a secret would be misleading but it is in simple terms the practice of what are called the disciplines, the tried and tested spiritual practices of centuries of Christian tradition. But why bother? Again, that depends on what one wants to build and how long to are prepared to wait. Of course the short cut can look impressive on the outside but will it last? John Fowles wrote; ' I can stick artificial flowers on this tree that will not flower; or I can create the conditions in which the tree is likely to flower naturally. I may have to wait longer for my real flowers; but they are the only true ones'.

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...