Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday bits and bobs

Matt Bird the founder of 'The Cinnamon Network' has written an interesting book called 'Relatianology: Secrets to grow your business through the power of relationships'

John Lennox, an apologist and Math Professor at Oxford, taught be the book of Daniel at Vicar Factory and he's just written it up into a book called 'Against the flow:The inspiration of Daniel in an age of Relativism'. His Bible teaching on this material moved me to tears when I heard it.

Keep a watch on your life and illustrations

Three bad reasons to leave your church

This is an interesting piece about the 'Four pervading themes in the writing of Dallas Willard'

I am very slowly working my way through Capital and this is an interesting piece about the solutions to inequality. Worth a read, as it seems the middle classes rather than the poor are absorbing all the political energy on the build-up to the election.

I had to make a big leadership call this week and this insight was interesting on changing your mind. I also found 10 Dumbest things a Pastor says on a Building Project a help to me.

I always love a new or interesting commentary on Romans like this one.

Enjoyed the seven distinguishing habits of highly effective pastors.

Have you ever considered a stand-up desk?

3 Team Killing church cultures

You may not be working in the White House but this is ....How the most powerful people get things done

The 20 most popular TED talks if you happen to have hours to watch them all. A 20 minute TED when you are in need of some inspiration can be a good thing I've found.

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...