Monday, March 09, 2015

Monday musing

It's late on Monday and I have a few things I've read that have stuck with me that I share.

The first is N T Wrights piece on Cranfield which was fascinating for anyone a wee bit interested in the scholarship of Romans.

I also appreciated 10 Christian Influential Leaders 5 best books. I always love a book list.

Cranmer has a punchy post on Islamism.

There is much in the blogosphere about inerrancy after John MacArthur held a conference about it. I found R C Sproul's thoughts on the subject interesting.

Finally, lots of posts about Apples new watch and Kester has views. Also, I enjoyed the 'Art of the Keynote' which has some helpful thoughts if you speak a bit- as I do.

My Ma's church are having a series of Lent film nights and one they showed was 'The fault in our stars'. It has gone on my radar as a result. Others she has watched are 'The Way' and 'Pass it forward' which are both excellent movies (apart from the fact that the DVD broke down for 'Pass it forward' and I told her the ending).

Mrs C made Hemsley and Hemsley's kale pesto for supper which you might think would be vile but we both agreed was rather delicious and interesting.

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