Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday musing

If I was preparing a sermon on the resurrection for Easter day I would certainly recommend reading the chapter in Andrew Wilson's 'If God then what?'

There has been a big debate across the pond about religious discrimination in Indiana. The Governor seemed determined not to want to answer the gay bed and breakfast guest question.

I am happy to see that Sunday worship is now being viewed as something that can be missional.

I cooked Lamb with apricots from Camellioa Panjabi's book. It's absolutely delicious but I added some creme fraiche and through in some left over gravy from this great Normandy Lamb recipe I did the day before.

I had a moment considering 'costliness' in Matt 8 listening to talk 5 in the series 'Follow' yesterday.

A quote from Sundays sermons that has stuck with me and I will ponder during Holy Week is this one:

'Before we can begin to see the cross as something done for us we have to see it as something done by us'

John Stott

Lots of academics seem to be in a stew about changes to theological education. I think I need to dig around more to better understand what their beef is.

Some tips on taking better photos from Steve McCurry, whose exhibition we visited on honeymoon in Sienna. You can see his work in Monza if you happen to be in Italy.

We are starting a new teaching series on the Holy Spirit after Easter it being Pentecost n'all soon. J D Greear has come on my radar in the last few months and this belting talk on the Holy Spirit is worth checking out. The Holy Spirit is a person with power to bestow to his children who ask for it......

I am thinking about starting on Instagram. Cutting edge me :)  Just as I am joining all the trendy folk will be moving to some much  more hip platform. Any suggestions of alternatives?

John Legend singing Amazing Grace
h/t Ann Voskamp

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...