Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday bits and bobs

Loved these reading nooks

A strong response from Peter Ould about the Southwark crisis now spreading across the C of E. It made the front page of the CEN this week and the Church Times. Looks like this one requires some bold decision making and leadership and requires it pretty fast.

If you lead something these four things are worth dwelling on for a moment.

I appreciated the post '7 things the church can't do for the pastor'.

I am enjoying reading 'The Pregnancy Book' and I would heartily recommend giving it to anyone in your church expecting a child.

Justin Buzzard has written an interesting post about pastors working a five day week like everyone else.

I am pondering this piece on why God doesn't remove sinful cravings. I am also enjoying reading J D Greear's book Gospel which someone gave me after church last weekend.

I am excited afresh about the things of the Holy Spirt and have been reading this material called 'Understanding spiritual gifts'.

There is quite a lot of comment on the Dolce and Gabbana gay adoption debate/argument with Elton John.

I found listening to Paul Maconochie on Missional Communities helpful and interesting.


h/t Ann Voskamp

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