Friday, March 20, 2015

Scandinavian church planters

It's rather fun to have a crowd of Norwegian and Swedish church planters visiting HT Barnes this afternoon. I have been asked to encourage them and to share our story. As I have been thinking this through I have looked back on the books, websites, sermons and resources that have been part of the story for me personally and for our church.


DMLJ Iain Murray (2 Volumes)

A Resilient Life MacDonald

Finishing strong Farrar

The Missionary Movement in Christian History Walls

The Cross cultural process in Chrsitian History

Edward George Marsden

The Shaping of thing to come Hirsh

More Ponsonby

Who is my enemy Rich Nathan

Wesley Pollock

Leading with a limp Allender

Leading from the inside out Rima

A million miles in a thousand years Miller

Bonhoeffer Metaxas

Leading on empty Cordiero

Confession of a reformission rev Driscoll

Vintage Jesus by Driscoll

Why Revival Tarries Ravenhill

Sensing Jesus Eswine

It Groeschl

The Reason for God Keller

Working the angles Peterson

Total Church Chester

Churchill Johnson

The Big Story Buzzard

Rethinking the church White

Courageous Leadership Hybels

Fresh wind fresh fire Cymbala

The way in is the way on Wimber and Hayford

Reformed doctrine of predestination Boettner

C T Studd Norman Grubb

Too busy not to pray Hybels

Ordering your private world MacDonald

Church in the making Arment

The Heart of a Servant leader Miller

In a pit with a lion on a snowy day Batterson

Fail J R Briggs

Talks and Films

Furtick's advice is not to plant a church unless God has called you to. I concur

Platt's advice is to pray. Good idea and do lots of it.

Driscoll is a very flawed man but this sermon did something deep in me. Not for the faint-hearted so you've been warned but it's part of my story so I share it.

Simon is a pal and he blessed me and made me laugh as I planted our church and spoke at our first weekend away.


Nehemiah is a book I have often turned to on our planting adventure.

I read 'The purpose driven life' and Romans while fly-fishing in Chile for 2 months and I've been set on a different course ever since. 

A bit of advice. Read the bible and pray said so brilliantly by Hybels

Billy Graham's talk on the Cross moved us all deeply when I showed it in church and blow me down someone gave their life to Christ. Wonderful stuff.

Watching this moved me and compelled me pray that we might see a few folk believe and be baptised. We haven't quite got to 2158 yet but give us time :)

These Keller sermons on Galatians were a turning point in my encounter with grace. I listened to them driving up and down the A3 to work over a months and have never been the same since.

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Something really wild to redeem

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