Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I am off to see U2 on Saturday in Cardiff. 

A crowd of us who are going met last night and Jamie told us the story of the song 'One'. U2 had been going for 10 years and went to Berlin to record a new album. Bono thought they should try something new-the 80's were over and he wanted something fresh. The rest of the band were not at all convinced. Despite their best efforts nothing seemed to be working. After two weeks of trying, all but Bono started to wonder if this was the end. They suggested they just call it a day for the band. But Bono would not give up so he stayed in the studio and in desperation-the only 'one' of the band left fighting for its existence- wrote the song 'One'. After toiling on it all night he played the song to the band in the morning and well, I suppose, the rest is history. 


Anonymous said...

Just remember that the money you paid for your ticket will be going straight over to the Netherlands to Bono's tax haven. I'll bet he won't be able to resist telling you all how HE thinks YOU should be spending your money though.
Still, I suppose you can always listen to his music for free on the internet without paying him.
Yes! I have got a THING about BONO!!

David Cooke said...

Oh dear. I guess he is a bit 'Marmite'.

He could be sitting on his rear not using any of his influence and power for the good of others. The gospel is one of grace and I suppose I am prepared to show him a little as he champions those without a voice. I don't claim to know anything about what he does with his money.

I'll tell you what he says on Sat and it will probably annoy you. Sorry, but there you go.

Anonymous said...

You'll get me going on Geldorf next!
Ask Jonny B. what he thought of him when his pee 'splashback' went over his shoes at a motorway service station!
Still. It proves that we're ALL human and fallen. . .

Anonymous said...

Well for thosee of you not going we will be thinking of you all. Bono is still a great artist at any rate...

Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...