Sunday, August 30, 2009

Keller on application

Some months ago, I downloaded 18 sessions on preaching. I have taken ages to start listening to it and confess the thought of so many hours initially overwhelmed me but it is truly superb stuff. If you preach you should try to work through this stuff. (You'll need to make a plan)

Edmond Clowney and Tim Keller do tag-team teaching on preaching -the Q&A's are packed with food and fuel. In the Session 4 Q&A, he spoke of the impact that Dick Lucas's preaching had on his preaching. He shared that he rises at 5am for study, prayer and mediation and everyday goes for a 40 minute run. For years, he says, (and as far as I know he still does) he would listen to a Lucas sermon a day (and other English preachers).

Not on a run, but I too for years used to listen to a tape a day on my commute to work. This series (and I listened to every one and was sad when it came to end) unlocked the gospel for me. I still do my sermon listening in the car-especially on long journeys. As C J Mahaney says in his wonderful book Humilty:

'Seize your commute' [p.73]

Session 5 of this teaching really really helped and challenged me.

"You are justified and sanctified by faith"

Most preachers preach that we are saved by faith but that Christian's are sanctified by work.

No-not at all. "Do commerce with your legal righteousness" says Keller.

He got this from reading Martin Luther's Treatise on Good Works

He also got this truth from a Thomas Chalmer's sermon called 'The expulsive power of a new affection"

You can get this download and all this teaching and the notes HERE.

It is well worth it, even if you tuck it away for a season in your life when you can give it the time.

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Steve said...
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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...