Monday, August 24, 2009


Last night we had some visitors from the US in Church. They were from Washington and I said the only churches I knew of were Mark Batterson's and Mark Dever's-both discovered through the blog. One of them as it turns out was from Batterson's church and loves it and is moving the London in the autumn (that is 'the fall' if you are American!).

Here is Batterson on drawing a circle.

How does Keller's preaching work? (H/T Dash House)

Wherever Driscoll goes he speaks about Jesus

I have been meaning to read ReJesus and here is a prompt for doing just this.

A good review of Sex God

Preach like this and an extra word on preaching from Charles Simeon.

And a final thought from Augustine.

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...