I re-read an old journal which is a great reminder of God's faithfulness. If you don't keep a journal I commend it and the best book I know on how to get started is 'How to keep a spiritual journal' by Ron Klug (a bargain in my view at £0.89p!). One of the many things I journal are quotes from my reading. Here is a whopper:
'He never needed more preparations for his meetings than those early hours. He didn't prepare- he talked with God, and God talked with him and made his word live to him. He saw Jesus. He saw men and women going in their millions to hell. And he always said that that is all the preparation a man needs for preaching the gospel if it be done a dozen times a day. "Don't go into the study to prepare a sermon" he once said. That is all nonsense. Go into you study to go to God and get so fiery that your tongue is like a burning coal and you've got to speak...."
C. T Studd in Cricketer and Pioneer by Norman Grubb, Page 196
Sell your bed and buy this book. It will change you.
1 comment:
How many beds do you think we have? That's twice in one week we've sold them!
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