Monday, November 04, 2013

Ten things for a Monday

1. Loving Educating Yorkshire.

2. Amazingly, I had to queue to get into a church last night. 'All in' (which you should read) has me simultaneously reflecting on who some of us are following and this was fresh in my mind.

3. We've just finished over a year in Mark and you might like to work through these as a recap.

4. Two people who spoke at a conference I attended have hit some choppy waters here and here. A note to myself and all of us that if you have a big platform you need both wisdom and character to maintain and sustain it. The problem with pedestals is they are terribly easy to fall off and many are willing you to do so- a particularly the media. People who lead need prayer- especially those who inspire us and are used by God to influence others.

5. A visit means more than a text

6. A thought-provoking piece entitled 'Marriage isn't for you'.

7. My father-in-law put me on to this article that he read in his Telegraph called 'The Bishops of Bling' and in reading it I learnt the Catholics have Bling too. It's always good to be reminded of the seduction of the prosperity gospel.

8. Seth Godin on Owning it.

9. In our day, we so desperately need the old and the wise.

10. A giant Jesus in the middle of a war.


Norman ramsden said...

I write to give you some encouragement. You seemed to be a bit down the other day. I really enjoy your blog but don't always have time to respond. Did your Bishop reveal the Plan? The best place to look is at the end of Matthew's gospel. And the best thing to do is to pray for transformation.

The guys organising the next conference need to be a bit more careful who they invite to speak.

David Cooke said...

Thanks Norman. You reading the blog is a constant encouragement.

Plans are hard to make in a C of E because all Bishops inherit a very complex history and institution. I do not envy them! We do however keep praying and of course we do more than ever in our days need to make a plan for keeping churches open and more planting.



Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...