Sunday, July 15, 2012


Revival is when God gets so sick and tired of being misrepresented that He shows Himself.
- Leonard Ravenhill

Religion wants you to spend your hours planning what Sunday will look like.
Revival wants you to spend your hours DOING what can’t be done on Sundays which is BEING with those who won’t show up on Sunday.
Religion wants you to spend hours building a platform so that you can lead thousands to Jesus.
Revival wants you to spend hours leading one to Jesus.
Religion wants you to research what Cool Church X is doing in hopes you can do it almost as well at your church.
Revival wants you to stop looking for inspiration and start developing some perspiration.
Religion wants you to stuff tons of Bible knowledge in your dome so it spits out your pinhole.
Revival wants you to take the BS out of Bible Study and apply what the Word says not talk about it.
Religion wants you to find healing through a taxing set of hurdles and obstacle courses so you can get right with God and his people.
Revival wants you to find repentance and healing through His kindness and grace.
Religion wants you to feel the weight of your sin and believe you are not capable of ministering to people.
Revival wants you to know the weight of your sin was carried by Jesus to the cross and you can minster out of your brokenness.
Religion brings YOU.
Revival brings CHRIST.

(via Ragamuffin Soul)

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