Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Porn Path

When they kept questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her"

John 8:7

"There is more spent on porn in the US than all the money spent on pro-football, basketball and baseball combined and this amounts to more than the US gives away in foreign aid ($11bn)"

"One in four women in our culture are subjected to abuse or rape at some point in their lives"

"The average age a boy will start watching porn is 11- two years before he reaches sexual maturity"

"The greatest consumers of porn are boys aged between 12 and 17"

"You should journal out your sexual history and encounters with porn and lay them before God"

"It is never too late and you are never too far in to turn around"

"MD: Do you think that Jesus has cleansed you from your past?

Chrissy "I know he has"

Not only in our days have we denied the power of prayer but we have also denied the power of sin and the means by which sinful hearts can and must be redeemed and saved- the Cross of Jesus Christ. 

This interview with Chrissy, an ex-porn star, is truly shocking and moving in equal measure. Praise God for grace and the power of the gospel and the Holy Spirit. 

You should watch The Porn Path. Everyone should.

For those who want/need more teaching on shame, abuse, guilt and how to find freedom (an issue for both women and men) this was highly recommended to me by a woman in my church: Grace and Disgrace . Incredibly powerful stuff and so helpful about facing our stories which ALL have some measure of brokenness in them-for some readers this may be extreme. Most of us today have a sexual past, things that have happened/ been done to us, mistakes we have made, broken relationships and issues we have not faced or are simply buried away.This talk I pray may unlock these for you and lead you to Jesus and his cleansing power and loving freedom. You might also like to get hold of Rid of my disgrace and the book by Mike Wilkerson called Redemption. The person who recommended this talk to me found one of the chapters in Death by love a great resource for her and this is a book every pastor and Christian counsellor should, in my opinion, own.

If you need help then a ministry started in and working out of our church may also be of help to you. It is called The Riverbank Trust.

Usually, I couldn't care less if anyone reads the blog (thankfully a few do and are kind enough to encourage me to keep at it) but on this one do please link to this post or feel free to tweet it or forward it to others by email.

You might also want to download the free e-book Porn-again Christian and to watch this if you don't yet understand the answer to the question "What is the gospel?"

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