Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Muslims, gloomy church stats and lots of hope for the future

1. I don't want to keep banging on about Mothercare but it is currently a feature of our new life. The other day, I had a long list on items written out for me by Mrs C one of which said '10 coloured muslims'. I now know the difference between a Muslim and a Muslin :)

2. According the Independent there are a million more muslims in the UK and the C of E is on 'the edge of extinction'.

3. I loved this little piece encouraging us to go off script

4. I am going to cook African peanut chicken stew today from 'Bird in the hand'. Tomorrow, I return to the coalface.

5. I went to my friend Matt's church and out side they had a sign welcome home. Here's an article about how church should feel like coming home.

6. Interesting piece at Church mag about learning from the rise and fall of MTV

7. I am sad to read news of Charles Kennedy's death and Alastair Cambell has written a wonderful tribute.

8. I read One Day in one sitting on a train from La Rochelle to Paris and it made me laugh out loud. I've just bought 'Us' which I probably won't read until 2019 but here's hoping.

9. This quote from Francis Chan in BiOY struck me and reminded me of reading Crazy love in holiday with friends in Majorca. If you haven't read 'Crazy love' you should.

‘The idea of Crazy Love has to do with our relationship with God. All my life I’ve heard people say, “God loves you.” It’s probably the most insane statement you could make to say that the eternal Creator of this universe is in love with me. There is a response that ought to take place in believers, a crazy reaction to that love. Do you really understand what God has done for you? If so, why is your response so lukewarm?’

10. Yesterday, I listened to John Peter's Pentecost sermon (One for the pod) and the story of his son being filled with the Spirit aged 7 was powerful. If you want to be reminded anew of all the Holy Spirit has for you then give this half an hour. 

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Something really wild to redeem

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