Friday, April 24, 2015

Returning from Rest

We had a week away and upon returning have been a little too busy for the blog. Apologies to readers.

The testimonies from our APCM were breathtakingly encouraging (Claud/Ru/Gerry and do also listen to Ollie (age 10) who encouraged us all a couple of week ago.

I have listened to a few Keller's that blessed me.

A reason for living

Laboring for a God who fights for us (Nehemiah 3-4)

Praying in the Spirit

You won't find a better talk to mail to a clever seeker than 'A reason for living'. The 'meet me' illustration at the start is fantastic.

I read 'Scary Close' on holiday and resonated with Don Miller's emotions and reflections around his marrying late. He's such a gifted storyteller. I have also been reading The Establishment as my political pre-election read. Owen Jones is an interesting, angry but passionate socialist.

I spent a happy half an hour watching a bit of Third Day which was fun.

I made a delicious Onion tart from the Higgidy Cookbook. I've been very much enjoying Masterchef and think the final may even be tonight? My money is on Simon although the chappy with the fine tash might sneak it.

Keller has a book on Preaching coming out and Saturate by Jeff Vandervelt looks like a read to check out.

We had a great visit to City church Salisbury and it gave me a glimpse of what a ten year old church plant looks like.

The This world series is worth checking out.

This song has captured me again recently

The Cooke's are not now far from parenthood (2 weeks to go). 

The times they are a changin.....

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...