Wednesday, December 05, 2012

For the pod: Wonderful things

You must have bought your chair by now.

If you are sitting in it and wondering how to read the Bible or finding it hard then you could do worse than listen to Open my eyes that I may see and Wonderful things in thy word. Piper's preaching can, I admit, be a bit like eating a cheese and pickle sandwich but with no pickle but both these talks contain some wonderful heart-stirring revelations if you manage to catch them.

Make Coffee (or Tea or indeed any hot drink or if you want it can be a cold drink or by grace no drink at all)

Open your Bible to Psalm 119 vs 18

Read the verse and meditate on it for a while.

Open your journal

Listen to the talk

Jot the points that strike you.

Reflect on the talks message and turn it into prayer

Repeat this with the second talk.

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...