The other day I spotted an old poster advertising 'TDK'. Now, you need to be a certain age to know what that means. When I was a lad, Sunday evenings would be spent recording the charts onto a TDK cassette from the radio. The quality of your stereo was indicated by the smoothness of the way your cassette ejected (I am unsure if this bore any relation to the quality of the sound!)
Why am I telling you this? Well, today the cassette is almost all but completely redundant ( ironically the only remaining remnant is the use of tapes for church sermons) and to still be using one is to be completely out of step with the way contemporary culture operates. Music is good, recording is still good but the means by which we are listening has changed.
I have been exploring the emerging church and what I think about it (Anglican's call this 'Fresh expressions'). I have been doing this for a couple of years. To what extent is the church giving people its gospel message on a TDK cassette when the rest of culture is transmitting on MP3? Of course, I know it is more complex than this, hence all my explorations, but it is just a thought. It is all about contextualization and here is a though-provoking piece I read recently that puts more flesh in my TDK bones- click HERE to read more.
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