" ‘ If we could but show the world that being committed to Christ is no tame humdrum sheltered monotony, but the most exciting adventure the human spirit could ever know, those who have been standing outside the Church looking with suspicion at Christ, will come crowding in to pay allegiance, and we might well experience the greatest reviving since Pentecost’ so writes James Stuart and if I had to have a hope for the church of my nation and my ministry that might be it. I was born in Salisbury and grew up in
Friday, April 20, 2007
A life in a paragraph
I have been asked to write a short summary of myself for the C of E pending ordination to post on a website. It was supposed to be a short and simple paragraph but I don't really do short but I am simple!
Saturday blog-sweep
Some interesting books for pastors The State we're in Attack at dawn Joseph Scriven Joy comes with the morning When small is beautiful
1. My pal tells me I am old and not middle aged. Middle age he thinks is mid 30's to early 40's. 2. Dr Moore ask 'Have the pla...
I watched the Cornel West interview and he quotes a Tennessee Williams essay called 'the Catastrophe of Success' which makes inter...
I have just got back from New Wine where Francis Chan has been teaching us for a week. He has said no to all speaking engagements for over a...