Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Questions, a book and growing things

Someone asked me why anyone should come to our church. I told them the homemade lemon cake was the best in West London and felt that that isn't quite how Jonathan Edwards would have responded.

I've started Edwards on the Christian life which is why he came to mind.

This post got me wondering about being wooly and silent on ethical issues. I do like Andrew Wilson.

The Bishop of Buckingham has a new book out and Andrew Goddard has thoroughly reviewed it.

The Guardian advises that the C of E shared conversations are proving to be challenging.

A verse in Colossians 4 jumped out at me this morning and I have been turning over in my mind what it means to wrestle in prayer.

Any leader should I suppose learn to ask better questions.

Maxwell, the yoda of leadership, has a book to help you.

I watched this again having sent it to someone yesterday.

I am going to listen to a chappy called Greg Surrat teach tomorrow morning. 

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