Saturday, October 05, 2013

Saturday blog-sweep

I've been a tad busy this week so apologies for the paucity of blogging

The most notorious heretic

Terry Virgo on Charismatics

10 ways to become a better preacher

Three Atheists who think the world needs Christianity

Does God (Really) desire everybody to be saved?

Sinead O'Connors open letter to Miley Cyrus

How to become a church planting church

Oh and here are our wedding photos for any out there who might be interested in such things. Taken by my pal Emma and posted on her blog. We were at Uni together many many moons ago.....


Anonymous said...

LOVED the photographs Cookie - Emma is such a gifted photographer. And I love the fact in every single photo you are genuinely naturally smiling - understandably so as you married above yourself, but you scrubbed up well - a great day


Norman Ramsden said...

Wonderful wedding photographs.

Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...