Thursday, September 05, 2013

Sugared almonds

Quite a busy week what with getting married n'all but all goes well. It's struck me that the sugared almond has a high capacity take a filling out :)

Rachel Held Evans has written this about Syria. You should read it.

Amidst all the logistics and wedding jobs I have come across and done one or two non-wedding things.

On Monday, we had a meeting to think about what our 'Community groups' will look like (which we are launching at the end of the month)

Mike Breen has a phrase 'High accountability - Low control' which means in essence that you can be as creative as you like in how to reach and love your neighbour in order to make a disciple. However,  'huddle' often as leaders in order to grow and remain personally resourced and accountable. I like the tension.

'Don't be deceived' asks the important question 'Is this person saved?'. Well worth hanging out with these two men on their 'Multiply' website.

I was doing a job and I listened to three episodes of the Perry Noble podcast and whilst I don't (nor will I ever) lead a mega-church in North Carolina he has one or two helpful nuggets. However I pretty much define myself by managing to do almost everything he's not.

These are a couple of questions he asks the children after their groups

'Did you have fun?'

'What did you learn?'

Another little leadership ditty is that 'It's not what you know that matters it's who you are'. By the way, if you want a book that says just that then read 'The five levels of leadership'. Releasing too if you feel you know very little!

I've got a new waistcoat for Saturday which is fortunate because my existing one was a tad snug to say the least. It has however done me well for 20 years- alas no more.

I listened to 'Contagian' (8/25/13) about blame and, as readers know, I think Jonathan Martin nails his preaches week after week after week. He's genuinely anointed. He says in it that he has been deeply impacted reading Rene Gerard's 'I saw Satan fall like lightning'.

I watched this which has a swear word in it but it's one that's in the Bible.

Finally, listening to Nickel Creeks album 'Why should the fire die?' is helping my friend burn brighter. Might be worth buying and you might burn brighter too.


Hannah Poulson said...

You're getting married on Saturday!!! SO many congratulations and our prayers of thanksgiving and for your future together as Mr and Mrs Cooke! We will be thinking of you on Saturday and look forward to maybe seeing a picture on the blog? So very very happy for you David, love Hannah

David Cooke said...

Thank Hannah. Photo now posted!

Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...