Friday, September 27, 2013

Four books to help you lead and understand movements better

It's not one of my four but it's worth noting Malcolm Gladwell has a new book out.

Leading Kingdom Movements: I've just finished reading this book and it's the story of one man (Mike Breen and 3DM) and the Kingdom movement he had a hand in bringing into being. I found Mike's book fascinating and equipping and it tells the story of all God did in Sheffield through his term as Vicar of St Thomas Crooks. There's an amazing quote from Mike's Bishop of the mid 90's refusing to give him more space and buildings for his growing church and community because growth was apparently bad for the morale of the clergy. Sadly, I'm not making that up. He tells his life story of over 30 years in ministry and shares all the stuff God's taught him. If you have spent any time wondering about the tension between 'attractional' and 'missional' church and how we might reach all those who are not streaming through our doors on a Sunday morning then this is a book for you.

Daring Greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead: Brene Brown became well-known through her TED talk which most readers will have watched. This is 'the book of the film' and is well worth exploring if you want to be more vulnerable and courageous. What's interesting is that these two things should go firmly together and, when you combine them as the book suggests, you may well find yourself 'daring greatly'.

What Jesus Started: Joining the movement changing the world: Steve Addison has been so helpful to me through all his work on movements and discipleship. I read his first book on my build up to the plant and he's not only got tons of wisdom and experience but he also offers a global perspective in his writing (he's a v. well-travelled Aussie). I've only just started this so I will keep you posted. 

The Catalyst Leader: 8 Essentials for becoming a Change Maker: 'Leader' is one of those funny words. People react in all sorts of ways but all I can tell you is I know need to be a better leader and a better follower. I have seen this especially over the last year. Catalyst is a conference that brings together 13K leaders and Brad Lomenick runs it and has a nugget or two to share. Things I am enjoying about this book is that it's an easy read, the author is vulnerable and it is full of stories, quotes, people and organisations that are being well lead. One of his many leadership principles is the idea of focussing on everyone except yourself. Above all else, says Lomenick, we can only lead in a Christian sense out of a vital relationship with Jesus. I agree.

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