Friday, April 12, 2013


How Thatcher's Christian faith shaped her leadership

Don't miss this wonderful tribute to Margaret Thatcher by Conor Burns MP
(h/t Cranmer)

The Resurgence now has a weekly summary of good things.

There is a lot being written on celibacy. Read interesting reflections here, here and here.

A moving film called 'I am not sure I want to be married any more'

I met Joni and Ken at Wycliffe and Joni spoke to us. She is a remarkable woman.

The Gosnel trial and how its being reported and for the background to this shocking story do watch 3801 Lancaster

Where are Rob Bell's glasses?

Ann Voskamp on 'How to make a home' with some lovely photos that show you one.

Piper on 'What is speaking in tongues?' is first on the list of 25 top films @ Desiring God this year.

Alister McGrath is superb on 'What would make you lose your faith?'

Good old fashioned fornication.

Learning about preaching from Steve Jobs

A very interesting post called 'What's wrong with Calvinism?'

How can the church help those struggling with depression

A good review of 'Playing to win' which might be a helpful business/commerce read for some.

Rick Warren, the Critics and the Hope of God's Son

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...