Monday, September 10, 2007

Growing up?

I am off on holiday at the end of the week and can't wait. I have really enjoyed my first stint of work but now it is definately time for a rest. I am off fishing in Yorkshire on the Wharf and am planning to fish the river at Bolton Abbey. Then its on to the Inn at Whitewell with the chance of a salmon I hope. Should be a time to chill and recharge the batteries and then back via Oxford for a couple of days all finshed off with a family wedding a week on Saturday.

I have never really got poetry but, as with most things, I have Eugene Peterson to thank for the introduction to the work of Czeslaw Milosz ( New and collected Poems 1931-2001). I started reading them last week and am just going on the journey of through his work. It is not so much it seems about comprehension, more just letting him tell his story and descibe his world, people, thoughts, faith and questions. Perhaps I am entering my poetry phase. I have always thought poetry was a bit lame but I am beginning to realise that to have dismissed a whole literary genre out if hand may have been a tad hasty. Perhaps I am growing up...?

Other things going in the bag for the hols are the Churchill biography by Jenkins and an unchallenging novel. Yet to decide what.

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...