Saturday, February 10, 2007

Dwight and matters Israel

This has been Israel week. It started with a spellbinding sermon from Simon Ponsonby on Romans 11 (is well worth a listen so do check out the St Aldates website and it should be posted soon). In it he confessed that he had only changed a major theological position once before and this was his second. The revelation that when Paul writes 'All Israel will be saved' he might actually mean Israel and not the church, as N T Wright would have us believe. Anyway, I took this thought into my week and on Wednesday attended a conference with my dear friend and encourager Audrey which had been long since in the diary. The title was 'Israel:New Perspective' and Dwight Prior offered some extraordinary and compelling reasons for me to reconsider my supercessionist views of Romans 11. On Friday I attended my lecture on Romans with Dr Wenham and you guessed it- Romans 9-11 was his subject and Israel his focus. Do you ever get the feeling a theme is building in certain events that apparently randomly collide? I am holding off on chartering a cruise liner for the holy land for returing Jews in order to usher in the end times but the worm is certainly considering a turn.

He is some of Dwight's argument. He is steeped in the Hebrew scriptures and says that in order to work this all out we have to read, metaphorically speaking, from right to left rather than left to right. Our identity is born in particularity and the God of the bible is not abstract and metaphysical but specific. Our God is the God of 'Abraham, Isaac and Jacob'. Your question should be 'Which God?' among the many that are on offer. He points out in Romans 1 that it starts with the gospel of 'God', a phrase used three times in 1 Thes. Traditionally, as we have viewed the story through the 'Church as Israel' paradigm we have the fourfold: Creation, Fall, Redemption and Consummation. We can in this instance, he observes, tell the story without any reference to Israel. Genesis has 12 Chapters on creation and fall and then 32 chapters about Abraham. Interesting. To illustrate he gave the example of buying a jumper from a mail-order catalogue. Once you have ordered, it is does not get sent to you directly from the manufacturer but instead is 'redeemed' through a handling house and then you receive your purchase. In this instance, once you get the jumper the catalogue becomes redundant and gets thrown in the bin. This he argues this is the danger of the supercessionst view and we are at worst able to dismiss the OT and, if not this, then certainly may be misappropriating the Hebrew scriptures if we read them through the wrong spectacles.

The bible should be read as Covenant history. We have a Creator who blesses and a Creation which is a blessing. He covenants, this is then deferred by sin and is then consummated. He suggests a promise-fulfillment hermeneutic. A particular AND a universal fulfillment. The divisiveness but not the distinction is removed. Forced uniformity not unity and there is, he says, a difference. So for N T Wright the Cross is 'the Climax of the Covenant' for Dwight it is 'the Confirmation of the Covenant'. He concludes "If you universalise Christ you will conform him to you image".

This does I'm fear a great disservice to this leanred scholar's argument but I've done my best to collect up the scribbles in my journal and make them known. Two thoughts from these reflections. 1) Read 'More' by Simon Ponsonby if you have not already (not about Israel but it is just a fie read) 2) Check out Dwight Prior. He runs the centre for Judaic-Christian studies is an exceptional bible teacher. One man he has greatly influenced is Rob Bell of Nooma fame and if you have ever wondered why Bell is so into matters Jewish, Dwight will help explain. His website is so have a look. If you ever get the chance to here him teach then take it.

Shalom to all


Lancaster Gardener said...

You are not following Gav and becoming a Zionist... are you? Don't Cookie!

scillonian said...

come on where is the next entry...I am waiting!

Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...