Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Big Questions

We recently had a good day exploring our 'Spiritual Age'run by Yvonne Richmond. It surprised me to learn of the six big questions for people in our post modern times. Here they are in order of importance:

People's Six Big Questions

1) Destiny: Where am I going?
2) Purpose: What's it all for?
3) Universe: How did it all get here and why?
4) Is there a God?
5) What about the Supernatural?
6) What about suffering?

In the same survey they asked people about Church. Here's what they said:

-Irrelevant, inflexible, intolerant,institutional, cold, formal, wordy, unspiritual

And some of us wonder why people don't come to Church any more? Here's their answer.

For more check out www.churchinaspiritualage.org.uk


E. Twist said...


Do you seriously think that if we made church relevant, flexible, tolerant, sectarian, warm, informal, with few words, and spiritual that the situation would be any different.

Please don't tell me you honestly believe that people's inhibition to follow Christ is simply an outworking of what amount to nothing more than a bunch of generalizations?

Lancaster Gardener said...


I don't think the good Lord is calling us to be irrelevant, inflexible, intolerant,institutional, cold, formal, wordy and non-spiritual. Perhaps being flexible, tolerant, warm and spiritual are good things- can't guarantee more people coming into our churches... but may destroy a few stereotypes people hold. That's a start!

Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...