4. Live Love Lead by Brian Houston: I found this to be a good and informative read telling the story of Hillsong. Houston is clearly a very gifted leader and witnessing him show amazing grace and counsel to Driscoll and his taking a bullet or two for him when he didn't need to prompted me to buy his book. He has much to offer those who seek to become better leaders, much to share about failure and controversy and his love of the church is catching. Hillsong has had an incredible impact in just one generation and the C of E would do well (as HTB do) to look at some of the best ways they are managing to connect with folk in post-Christian culture. We have much to learn from them I think and very little time left to learn it.
5. Against the flow by John Lennox: John taught me a bible class at Vicar Factory and also taught us preaching. He's a simply splendid man. This is the book of the lectures he gave us on Daniel. Lennox is one of the great apologists of the faith but is also a humble and clear bible teacher. If you want a book to make Daniel help our cultural challenges come alive then this is the one for you.
6. Praying the Bible by Don Witney: This very thin book is a one about the Psalms and since reading it I have been trying to pray the Psalms with more intention and it's working. I confess I am not praying through all of them every month as Witney does but I am using the Psalms as a spring board to prayer rather than endlessly praying my list. Believe me, this little book has the power to transform your prayer life.
7. The Road to Character by David Brooks: My 'pick up and put down' slow read of the year and it's well worth investigation. Basically, he takes a number of famous lives and tries to unpick what influenced and shaped their character. There are plenty of good and interesting observations and quotes in this one to keep you going for ages.
9. The Imperfect Pastor Zack Eswine: I become more and more convinced that few pastors finish the race well and the opening chapter of Finishing Strong becomes ever truer as I witness the lives of those who lead as the years pass. I am simply hoping, by sheer grace, that I make it in some semblance of good order over the line. This is such a rich book that I thank my blogging pal Darryl Dash for putting me on to. I intend to soak in its words for at least another year and probably longer.
10. The Churchill Factor by Boris Johnson: I love Churchill and this was on my Christmas list and I have been falling to sleep reading it since unwrapping it. Not a lot of new material here but if you like a bit of bombastic biographical interpretation of a great life then Johnson is your man. Terrific stuff.