Saturday, February 09, 2013

Saturday blog-sweep

A couple of thoughtful strong women have written books. Cranmer reviews Maggie Dawn's new book and Thomas Creedy looks at Rachel Held Evan's A year of Biblical womanhood.

I am working through these sermons on Ephesians which are stunning. The whirlwind at the start of 'I am a Saint' is not for the faint-hearted. You've been warned. If you get this stuff though it will change everything.

Perceptive readers will note Driscoll and Held Evans are not the most natural blog-o-sphere bedfellows. It's what makes Cookie's days so interesting.

The apostle Paul and the heart of church planting and 'Why telling people what to do makes them stupid'

Steve McCoy has 'Some advice for parenting young kids'

Seth Godin has a brilliant thought called 'The cost of neutral' and 'The Spectator problem'

For those of you with proper jobs here are Nine signs of corporate decline

Tim Challies has a good and timeless quote on Jelly-fish Christianity.

In case you didn't know it Marriage is not a slumber party

Top 100 Church leaders to follow on twitter

Trevin Wax has two good posts Stop asking Jesus into your heart and The importance of listening in apologetics

Desiring God conference on spiritual gifts talks

God and Politics has a challenging thought Pornification and why our children are in trouble and Krish writes of 'The Gospel and the Elephant in the room'

That's probably enough to be going on with.

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...