Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Doctor

I went to the Doc's this afternoon for my test results and she says I am basically OK but have to have some more tests. She says I passed a Gall stone, (which sounds painful and I can tell you it is!) but she want me to have some more tests. Back in four weeks to give a bit more blood and see so more prayers please.

On the up, my doctor is great. I haven't been to the doctors for years and this was a pleasant surprise. She is absolutely fantastic at her job, which is rather rare these days. She is kind, communicates clearly, is efficient and has an enormous empathy, which I suppose you need when you may have to tell people they are about to die. Not me, this time thankfully! As my friend Adam so often quotes 'Excellence lad excellence' and that's what I experienced.

My hope is that I might be half as good a pastor is she is a Doctor and may there be many more like her (as I'm sure there are). Pastor's may have a thing or two to learn from our friends at the medical front line.

Bless them all.

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