Saturday, December 31, 2022


I am preaching through Joel in the NY. 

As a result I've been pondering 'the Day of the Lord' and questions of tribulation. In the past, many would have had views on such matters. However, I fear we are now so sub-Scriptural that most have little idea about the end times.

I read Dane Orlund's new little booklet 'Is Hell Real'. Here are 20 quotes from it.

At one point, he quotes this fascinating sermon on Job 14:2 that illustrates that our forebears were keenly attuned to the afterlife and its consequences.  It's such an interesting read for all sorts of reasons.

Russel Brand interviewed Ricky Gervais and the Archbishop of York debating God.

We are watching the Crown and the episode about Al Fayed is so good. It's an illustration of what money simply wasn't able to buy.

Someone gave me Vernon McKee's Thru the Bible and it's a veritable 5-volume treasure trove. I sometimes say 'I wonder what Vernon thinks?'. In case you were wondering, he disagrees with Piper on the rapture

I listened to something on Radio 4 yesterday on 'Doomscrolling' .and the presenter quoted John Gottman's advice on marriage. He can apparently predict with 85% accuracy if you are going to divorce. We learnt this as Mrs C and I watched this. 

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...