Thursday, October 02, 2014

Grace, Creeds and bumps in the road

A pal said to me recently 'I'm not much for calling everything spiritual warfare but....' and then went on to recount some things that had hit his life and ministry in recent times. His comments and reflections made me pick Clinton Arnold's book off the shelf once again to assess the theology of bumps in the road.

Rick Warren is revisiting his sermons that you'd most want a friend to listen to.

This talk on Romans 7 really awakened my expository geek within.

You can find all the DG Conference talks here 

I really enjoyed '25 struggles only  ENFP's will understand' as just perhaps I may be one :) Helpful insights- especially if you have to work with me.......

Mark Meynell heartily recommends this BBC documentary about missionaries in North Korea

I spoke at my pal Will's tenth anniversary of his church plant- The Point Church. It was a joy. Check out Ten Years in Ten Minutes  for a flavour of this wonderful bunch of saints and a nice reflection from Will and Caroline. This should encourage all budding planters or churches that hope to plant.

Tim Keller writes 'Different but the Same' to his church which makes for interesting reading.

A pal spent a whole afternoon picking my brains about grace. Reading 'Grace in Practice' started him on this fresh quest together with a John Peters talk on grace.

Andy Stanley's two questions.

An arty and musical pal is excited about Inherent Vice coming out.

Periodically, I reread 'Why work?' by Sayers.

Mrs C and I are these days mostly watching Suits.

Bishop Alan gets a response from Peter Ould on gay Bishops in the C of E.

I enjoyed reading The Philosopher (and through it I discovered these Max Lucado videos on Grace which I may now check out)

An Anglican apparently challenged Hillsong to set the Creed to music and they came up with this. I wonder what you make of it?

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Something really wild to redeem

" Our present life feels like a real fight as if there were something really wild in the universe we are needed to redeem' William ...